THURSDAYS – Sandals Church (Woodcrest) MSF Groups – Local In-Person Meeting
Sandals Church - Woodcrest Campus
17421 Van Buren Ave., Riverside, CA 92504
Meeting Schedule
Bulletproof Strong has a variety of meetings available to approved members: in-person, online and telephone conference. Meeting times and dates are subject to change without notice. Check back often for updates.
Sandals Church MSF (Men’s Sexual Freedom) Recovery Meeting Schedule
Sandals Church (one of our ally partners) has a variety of meetings available to men struggling with addiction: in-person, online and telephone conference. Meeting times and dates subject to change without notice. Check back often for updates.
Meeting Standards & Guidelines
WHO IS WELCOME: Any male struggling with addiction, i.e. substances (alcohol, prescriptions drugs, illicit drugs, marijuana, etc.), behavioral (gambling, over-eating, outbursts of anger, etc. and especially those of a sexual nature (porn, sex, masturbation, massage parlors, strip clubs, homosexuality, et. al.).
PURPOSE OF OUR MEETINGS: To provide a SAFE community where men can experience ENCOURAGEMENT, GUIDANCE and INSTRUCTION in learning to trust Jesus as their Lord (discipleship) particularly in pursuit of freedom from addiction.
GOAL OF OUR MEETINGS: To help our members…
Our meetings are typically led by one to three approved leaders (generally men who have achieved at least six months of sobriety from their addiction and are active in sponsoring other men). The format is open but led by the leader(s). We find having more than one leader brings a valuable balance to the tone and tenor of the meetings.
Our structure is intentionally “unstructured.” We don’t follow a schedule or an outline. We may or may not pray at the beginning or end of a meeting but most often do both because we desire to hear from the Lord and we anticipate his presence. We typically do not have specific times of “reading” or “prayer” although someone will often read or pray spontaneously for someone in need. We are flexible and open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. In this sense, our meetings tend to be very “organic.” They simply just…happen.
The leader(s) will typically ask someone to start the sharing or ask if anyone is in crisis and needs to share. Sometimes the leader might suggest we go around the room in a circle (assuming the meeting is small, 1 to 8 or so men) and have each person give a brief update on how they are doing, what they are struggling with and where they are in their own journey of recovery.
Once the attendee has shared, one or more of the leaders and/or other members that are led by the Lord will typically respond with encouragement, counsel, a shared insight, a question or sometimes a challenge or even a rebuke. Most of our stories intersect with others and there is always a lesson or nugget of wisdom to be gleaned by simply listening in as these moments of vulnerability and counsel unfold. It is through the transparent sharing of our members stories and the ensuing encouragement, counsel or rebuke that the Holy Spirit ministers deeply to each person willing to hear from him.
We often have meetings when only one person who is in crisis shares their situation and the entire group of men will join together and lay hands on him and pray. This person may use most of the time for the meeting and if they are in crisis and the leader allows it, that is totally OK. These times are deeply healing, encouraging and inspiring to all present. There is nothing quite like these moments of holy intimacy with God and our community. These miraculous moments occur often and they are what make our group meetings so rich, valuable and intimate.
Many of our group meetings have upwards of 35 or more men. It is obviously impossible for all to share in these instances. In this case, the leader might call out a couple of specific men to share or ask if anyone is in crisis and needs to share. In these larger group meetings, we will typically have an earlier cutoff time for the large group and then break into small groups of 3 to 4 men only. Within these groups, each person should take the time to share and the small group should pray together for each other. We try to include one “leader” or more experienced member in each of these smaller groups if possible.
If there is one or more NEW attendees, leadership will typically ask one of the more experienced attendees to share their story. We do this to show the new attendee(s) that we are all very broken, unashamed to share the harsh reality of our own journeys, that this is a safe place to share and that there is hope for recovery, redemption and restoration. It is in the power of our stories that God so often works to move the hearts of the men in our groups from a posture of stubborn, miserable pride to open, hopeful and humble willingness. The perfect spiritual position to be in anticipation of God’s miracle. After one of more of our more experienced members share, we’ll ask the newcomer to share however much of his own story that he is comfortable in sharing.
Upcoming Meetings
Sandals Church - Woodcrest Campus
17421 Van Buren Ave., Riverside, CA 92504
Online ZOOM Meeting Room
Online ZOOM Meeting Room
Online ZOOM Meeting Room
Online ZOOM Meeting Room
Online ZOOM Meeting Room
Sandals Church - Hunter Park Campus
150 Palmyrita Ave, Riverside, CA 92507
Sandals Church - Palm Campus
6807 Palm Ave, Riverside, CA 92506
Online ZOOM Meeting Room
Online ZOOM Meeting Room
Sandals Church - Hunter Park Campus
150 Palmyrita Ave, Riverside, CA 92507
Sandals Church - Hunter Park Campus
150 Palmyrita Ave, Riverside, CA 92507