I’m staring down the barrel of 2020 and trying to get a jump on the year so I’ve been thinking of my word of the year and what I want to focus on. As I”ve prayed and meditated, I keep getting a vision of horses and being...
No, I mean REALLY ready..Once you’ve decided you’ve had enough...
Posted at 09:44h
by TDWilcox
I have a story to tell you. It starts on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2013...
Posted at 03:08h
by TDWilcox
One day, the bird flew so high that it caught a very strong wind current that swept him up and far away from his home and his family. It loved soaring on the high breezes and rode this current for miles and miles in the...
Posted at 12:06h
by TDWilcox
I had everything. No, really – I did. ...
I got saved when I became a Christ follower at seventeen. Jesus saved me FROM hell and eternal death and he saved me TO heaven and eternal life when I was seventeen. I wanted to go to heaven and be with God when I...
I want to introduce you to TWO different men.
The first man is the man that is broken by sin. This man is not who he wants to be. His current state of existence resembles but little the true man that God originally designed him to...