Your porn addiction isn’t your problem. It’s the solution. At least it is what you have been pursuing as the solution to your REAL problem. If you’re addicted to porn (or anything else – alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, food, etc.), stopping the use of the...
I want to remind you about how deeply you are loved. It would benefit you greatly to remember often how precious you are to your heavenly Father. If he watches over all of the sparrows, how much more does he love you? If he...
I choose a state-of-mind that is founded in the freedom, strength and courage that flows from my relationship with Jesus. I choose to Be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:9). God has given me the ability to control my thoughts, so I choose to think about...
When I was in fifth grade, I had a teacher named Mr. Constantine. He was a stubby, red-headed man with a thick mustache. The other teachers called him the “Old Red Fox” and he taught shop and science. ...
Posted at 15:41h
by TDWilcox
This is an online group meeting that can typically have 10 - 30 men attending. Meeting is led by one or more facilitators to guide discussion and invite sharing from individuals. A password is required for this meeting. Please contact one of...
The following is an excerpt from my book, Broken to Bulletproof available on
The Prison of Resentment and the Torturers that Run It
There’s a chilling scene in the 2013 movie “Zero Dark Thirty” that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up...
I’m staring down the barrel of 2020 and trying to get a jump on the year so I’ve been thinking of my word of the year and what I want to focus on. As I”ve prayed and meditated, I keep getting a vision of horses and being...
I got saved when I became a Christ follower at seventeen. Jesus saved me FROM hell and eternal death and he saved me TO heaven and eternal life when I was seventeen. I wanted to go to heaven and be with God when I...